Speaker Code Key
Single Speakers
Family members
MOT: mother
FAT: father
CHI: baby in our study (target child)
BRO, BR1, BR2, etc: brother with ranking of age, BRO would be used if the baby only has one brother
SIS, SI1, SI2, etc: sister with ranking of age, SIS would be used if the baby only has one sister
GRM: maternal grandmother
GRP: maternal grandfather
GRA: paternal grandmother
GP2: paternal grandfather
SGP: step-grandfather
GGM: great-grandmother
GGP: great-grandfather
GUN: great-uncle
AUN: First Aunt (in order of appearance)
AU2: Second Aunt
UNC: First Uncle (in order of appearance)
UN2: Second Uncle
FCO: First Female Cousin (in order of appearance)
FC2: Second Female Cousin
MCO: First Male Cousin (in order of appearance)
MC2: Second Male Cousin
Non-family members
TOY: Toy that speaks or sings
TVS: Any sort of electronic speaker: TV, radio, CD, iPad, etc.
EF_: female experimenter (sometimes lab staff appear in the files when dropping off or picking up equipment), with inital (e.g. EFS)
EM_: male experimenter, with initial (e.g. EMM)
BS_: babysitter, first letter of first name
Other speakers that are close to the family (e.g. neighbors or family friends) are coded with the following formula:
A or C (adult or child)
F or M (female or male)
First initial
e.g. AFH
When determining if a speaker was adult or child, coders were asked to make their best guess according to the speaker's tone of voice.
Last updated